Resilient Cyber
Resilient Cyber Podcast
S6E1 - Rob van der Veer - Navigating the AI Security Landscape

S6E1 - Rob van der Veer - Navigating the AI Security Landscape

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- You've been heavily involved in the AI dialogue in the industry as it has heated up, how did you get your start specializing in software security and most notably AI?

- AI continues to be one of the hottest cybersecurity topics in 2023 and heading into 2024. What do you think are some of the most pressing risks around the rapid growth of AI adoption and use?

- We're seeing Governments scramble to regulate AI, with notable efforts like the EU AI Act. Why do you think it is critical for Governments to act so quickly on this emerging technology, especially when Government is historically reactionary and slow to adapt?

- What are some of the key considerations that must be kept in mind to help securely govern and regulate AI without hindering innovation and economic prosperity and potential that AI may bring?

- You're involved in efforts such as the OWASP AI Exchange, can you tell usa bit about that effort, how it came about and how practitioners can learn from and leverage it?

- Compliance can be cumbersome with many overlapping and often duplicative compliance frameworks that industry has to wrestle with. You've been working on an effort dubbed "OpenCRE" can you tell us a bit about that and what the goals are?